Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
- All toys and equipment are the responsibility of the borrower while out on loan.
- It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure all borrowed are in good, clean, working order before returning them in their original condition.
- Any damages will be assessed on an individual basis and repair costs or a replacement, based on the retail cost, will be considered at the discretion of Swindon Families Voice if appropriate.
- Deposits will be payable for larger, more expensive items such as (buy not limited to) Specialist Pushchairs, Laptops, Tablets, Electronic, Sensory Toys. (These returnable deposits could be anything between £15 and £20 per item depending on value)
- Toys and Equipment must be returned by the agreed date or your deposit may be lost.
If after a reasonable time, items are still not returned please be aware that we may decide to invoice you for the full replacement cost of the item. Please also be aware that this is a SEND parent community and by not returning items you maybe preventing other families from accessing items they require so please always try to be kind to our the rest of the SEND Families Voice family.
Please notify us if you cannot return the item by the due date. We will also give you time to search your home for lost toys if you think it still may be hiding under the sofa.We understand!
Health and Safety:
- The equipment is lent entirely at your own risk. This agreement confirms your understanding that Friends and Families of SEND Children are not responsible for use of the equipment and the safety of anyone using it. That responsibility lies with the person(s) borrowing the equipment.
- All items loaned are for use under adult supervision.
- All electrical items are regularly tested. If they become damaged whilst on loan to you please stop using them and contact us straight away.
- Responsibility for the safety of the product remains with the manufacturer.
- Please always read instructions including health and safety advice where available on our catalogue, item or on packaging.
- Be aware of age restrictions and choking hazards.
You are advised to check your insurance and seek additional cover as necessary for loss or damage of the equipment, especially in respect of Specialist Pushchairs, Laptops and Tablets. If you are struggling financially and have concerns about this impacting any cost related to equipment breakages (Refundable deposits or home Insurance policies) We are a community base not for profit company and want to make sure the library reaches as many families as possible, with that in mind please feel free to drop us an email on: swindonSENDfamiliesvoice@outlook.com
and we will be happy to discuss any possible support we can offer with regards to the Sharing Service with you.